Secret Six's unlikely survival thus far led fans to hope it would live to fight (and bicker, and kill, and dress up monkeys) another day after Flashpoint. But sadly it was not to be. I understand why. But my initial reaction was still FUCK YOU DC!!
But on reflection, sometimes it's best to have something short and sweet. This way we fans get a perfect contained series, with closure, steered the whole way by Simone. I would have hated to see the Six palmed off on another writer, as I doubt anyone else could acheive Simone's twisted balance of humour, hyper-violence and pathos. No other writer would have even considered giving wacky psycho Ragdoll a heroic moment, rising to his full height and standing up to Deadshot, or of developing an odd father-daughter relationship between Scandal and Bane.
And let's not forget the artists, with especially Nicola Scott and J. Calafiore capturing the characters and the dynamics of the books perfectly. And those covers are works of art. But hey, I'm a writer myself, I can't help but praise them higher than the artist.
Much has been made of what Secret Six did for LGBT fans and female fans. The team leader Scandal, is a lesbian, Ragdoll is a eunuch, Jeanette is a strong enough lady to actually bring down Wonder Woman, Catman is hunkified in a way usually reserved soley for Dick Grayson, and, of course, we can't forget the slash-friendly bromance between Catman and Deadshot.
The new characters have also made an impressive enough impact to, hopefully, survive in the DCU outside of the comic that spawned them. Ragdoll is probably the weirdest character ever to grace the pages of a mainstream comic book (see his musings on slavery/butterflies). Jeanette's reveal as a Banshee was genius. And as for Scandal Savage, the immortal estranged daughter of Vandal Savage, she's probably the best of the bunch. She's come a long way from the emotionally-detached, strait-laced coordinator she was in Villains United. Now Scandal is just as likely to lead with her heart as Catman is, making Jeanette and Bane, of all people, the level-headed team members. The four core members - Scandal, Catman, Deadshot and Ragdoll - are as believable as any fictional family.
I, like many other comic readers, could easily have missed Secret Six altogether. Luckily, someone at my local library is a massive Six fan. My library doesn't have a single Batman trade post-2008, but it somehow has every trade of Secret Six. So, thank you whoever it is that keeps ordering them in - you introduced me to the only team of villains I've ever cheered for, the ultimate DC underdogs, mercenaries with hearts (yes, even Deadshot), funny and dark and tragic. If you haven't read it yet, go out and pick up Villains United or Six Degrees of Devestation. You'll owe me one.
I look forward to seeing how Simone wraps the series up - I'm sure it'll be the perfect ending for the comic that brought me Ragdoll in Wonder Woman's boots and the line "our secret weapon is a hat junkie".
Thanks for the memories, Gail! And fuck you DC. Okay, maybe I'm still working out my anger issues on this one.